Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Hmmmm, did you wonder where I have been?

I'm so sorry about the sudden drop in posts with no explanation and that I haven't been on to explain.  To be honest, life has been THAT crazy, that I haven't had 2 minutes to post a "Hey I'll be back in a few weeks" post.  In fact, it's been so busy that I have started to question and really evaluate whether I could keep up with this.  I haven't stopped keeping my list of things to be thankful for, I have just NOT had time to get on here to share them.  After really thinking about what is causing this to be difficult to keep up with and doing some praying about it - I have decided to keep giving it try.  The desire to keep the blog is there still and I feel that it's been good for me.  However, I'm going to wait to try again until after February break (next week).  I may find I'll be able to keep up with posting over break, but I'm giving myself until my oldest daughter's play is over and life will return to a dull roar of chaos rather than the crazy whirlwind it's been for the past few weeks.  We'll see how things go then.

Thanks for your patience.  God bless.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Preaching To Self

I have to be honest, ... I'm not really feeling very thankful today.  It's been a challenge all day long for me to look for and find God's gifts for me in the daily ins and outs.  I feel the overwhelming wave of anxiety washing over me today with the, "I just can't do this all on my own" set on repeat in the recesses of my brain.  I'm feeling discontentment with a few things in my life today.  I'm feeling frustrated and tired.  I had a difficult drive to and from class, which makes an already long afternoon and evening, longer.  I couldn't get my mind and heart to set on praying for the duration of the drive time...  so I ended up turning on a local Christian station and this song came on:

This song always "gets me" and tonight was no exception.  It sucker-punched me right in the gut and made me focus on God's sovereignty and that His hands are in all the details of life - good and bad.  The end especially resonated with me today:  What if my greatest disappointments or the aching of this life is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy?  What if trials of this life, the rain, the storms, the hardest nights, are your mercies in disguise?"


I immediately came home and referred to a chart that I came across a few days ago on facebook... 

I went directly to the scriptures to remind myself what God says when I say I'm too tired, It's impossible, I'm not able, I can't go on, and I can't manage.  I felt peace wash over my heart that He will give me rest, that WITH HIM all things are possible, that He is able to make all grace abound to me, so that I may abound in every good work, that His grace is sufficient for me, and He will truly supply all my needs.  

100.  I'm thankful for God's timing, encouragement, and Word.

101.  I'm thankful for the challenging day to remind me to rest in Him for ALL things -- and that I need not try to do it all on my own. 

102.  Though I don't always understand the "why" I'm there, I'm thankful for the grad class - and pray the Lord will use it to teach me, mold me, and draw me closer to Him. 

103.  I'm thankful for the place God has called me to and pray that He will help me to be content.  

"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Cor. 12:9-10

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sometimes it's the little things...

Today I am thankful for several little things...

96.  A special little treat after having blood work, a YUMMY salted caramel hot chocolate from DD.  

97.  A husband who helps with housework.

98.  Huge, softly falling snowflakes out the kitchen window.

99.  An amazingly delicious supper - God's provision of good food for our family.  

Friday, January 24, 2014


Today, I'm thankful for...

91.  Hearing sweet belly laughs from a normally quiet student.

92.  God's grace during difficult news...

93.  Soft, purring kittens.

94.  Yoga with my daughter.

95.  A heartfelt thank you from my oldest at bedtime.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Moments of Quiet in the Midst of Chaos

Phew - it's been a whirlwind of a day.  Our sub-zero temps continue and it's making the school week a LONG one.  When you go days on end without anyone being able to get out and run off some steam, it can make us all a little batty.  ;)

In the midst of the chaos, I've found some moments of peace - some moments to sit and just be in the moment, per say.

87. After a somewhat harried morning, trying to stop tripping over my own feet and get out the door, I relished in singing my memory work this week with my Fighter Verse app on my phone.  I know I have mentioned this app - a lot - but the reason I love, love, love it is that it gives me so many different ways to practice the verse each week -- my favorite being that I can sing it.  -AND, it is repeats over and over until you tell it to stop, so I just keep singing it again and again the entire way into work.  :)  For some reason, I'm enjoying this tune/song/words combo better than I've enjoyed the others to date.  It's a fun one to sing.  (I Thess. 5:14-22)

88.  Most (not all) mornings, I am the first person on my floor at school --- and there's something very peaceful about being there in the quiet of the morning as the sun is still rising, with it so very still... there's something about quiet halls and rooms that will soon be filled with the noise that lots of little bodies full of energy and life.  It's a very productive time of day for me during these early mornings - today was one of those days.  

89.  It was so fun to sit and listen to my oldest and her friend chat on the way to town for theater...  I mean, truly hilarious.  :D  It was fantastic to release some tension through laughter and just enjoy their chatter.  

90.  While C was at theater, I sought solace in one of my favorite libraries to do some classwork.  It was quiet and it's always a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by so many books.  I <3 Books!  (As you can see, I brought quite the stack home with me to work on this weekend for my class!)

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength

The Lord has been teaching me several things lately and I am thankful for the promises He keeps placing before me, so that I can cling to them and claim them as my own.  Today, as I read, I came upon an all familiar verse - but it's timing was perfect for me today: Nehemiah 8:10, And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.  God is showing me each day in lots of little - and big - ways that He is near, He is my comfort, and He is my helper in times of need.  

I have been experiencing some discouraging physical challenges and it could be very easy to question God, but I'm resting in Him to help ease the pain and discomfort and help me to make it through each day.  I remind myself that there are many who are enduring far greater challenges than I am and when I see their joy, faith, and trust in Him shine through their challenges, I know that I need to keep my perspective in check and rest in His sovereignty. 

Yesterday and today, I'm thankful for... 

81.  Finding good deals on things we need.

82.  The blessing of a dear friend.

83.  A hard decision being made and feeling at peace about it.

84.  For a warm, snuggly quilt.

85.  For much needed rest. 

86.  For being placed where I am, free to worship God as I please and openly own and read my Bible as I like.  (Praying for Christians in Eritrea who have been taken captive and are being held, based on the profession of their faith.)  

Monday, January 20, 2014

Catching up

So sorry I haven't been here for a few days -- life has been busy!  I've still been counting my blessings, but haven't been able to get on here to share them.  I'll do my best to catch up my list and then stay current moving forward...

65.  Listening to my oldest and a theater friend chat and laugh on the way into town for play practice.

66.  God's faithfulness to me when I fail Him.

67.  For hugs from students.

68.  Friday fun with students.

69.  Good morning texts from my daughter.  <3

70.  A break in the weather, bringing sunshine, which allowed us to get outside for recess.

71.  Hearing my youngest play her African drum... she's making great gains!

72.  Lazy Saturday morning.

73.  The ability to get some housework done.

74.  Productive few hours in my classroom, to prepare for the coming week.

75.  Family movie night.

76.  Having church in our new Sanctuary!  :)  yay!

These are happy faces to be in our new addition!!  Lots of room to sit and so much brighter/lighter. :)

77.  My oldest completing her last new member class  --  and that I got to share in this experience with her.

78.  Safety on messy roads - God's promises of protection playing through my head as I passed several off the road.

79.  Fun with friends - seeing The Wizard of Oz on the big screen, followed by games.

80.  A yummy supper prepared by my husband.

I had several pictures for these list items, but unfortunately, technology is not my friend this morning - maybe once I can get them all working, I'll come back and update?

Oh, taste and see, that the Lord is good...  :)